传言纷飞的奇趣网络世界,Palm Pre,新iPhone,iWatch
谣言,或是传言,取决于你对网络信息的信心,至少在Palm Pre还没有真正出现那一刻是这样。关于Pre上市的时间我们已经知道了两个版本,一个是2月15,一个是Twitter用户透露的6月(这个消息不透也罢。。。)现在来了一个更靠谱的,Boygeniusreport站公布了一个Sprint据传可信的产品上市清单,Palm Pre在上面的位置是3月15日。这个时间很合适,有足够的时间让Palm开展它的市场宣传。也有足够快的时间可以在各大厂商推出新款手机之前占据更多的市场,满足更多的眼球需要。
还有风传的是新iPhone的面世。据说这个新iPhone的升级是平台级,那意味着是一种真正的换代而不是Facklift。From Routhlydrafted
While it should come as no surprise that Apple would be working on a new iPhone, the new version number appears to signal a major architectural overhaul for Apple’s mobile smartphone that is more significant than last year’s iPhone 3G. This could include the use of customized “System on a Chip” components developed by Apple, using ARM processor cores and incorporating new PowerVR video and graphics processing core designs developed by Imagination Technologies.