【更新视频】苹果的签名:“Designed by Apple in California”
自从上次苹果 WWDC 过后,大众焦点大多专注于 iOS 7、OS X Mavericks、新 Mac Pro 等软硬件产品上,而最让我念念不忘的,是两个视频。
一个是 WWDC 大会的开场视频 “Designed by Apple – Intention”,另一个则是 WWDC 大会后苹果放出的广告 “Designed by Apple in California – Our Signature”。
这两个视频的文案都让人印象深刻。以下是 “Designed by Apple – Intention”:
If everyone is busy making everything, how can anyone perfect anything? We start to confuse convenience with joy, abundance with choice. Designing something requires focus. The first thing we ask is what do we want people to feel? Delight. Surprise. Love. Connection. Then we begin to craft around our intention. It takes time. There are a thousand no’s for every yes. We simplify. We perfect. We start over. Until everything we touch enhances each life it touches. Only then do we sign our work. Designed by Apple in California.
如果所有人都忙于制造一切,怎会有人能创造完美?我们开始混淆,以为方便就是愉悦,充裕就是选择。设计需要专注。我们所问的第一件事是 “我们希望人们获得怎样的感受?” 是快乐。是惊喜。是爱。是联结。然后我们开始打磨意图。这需要时间。一个 “是” 的背后,往往有一千个 “不”。我们简化,完善,从头再来。直到我们打造的一切可以让它们所触碰的一切更美好,这样我们才会签下:加州苹果设计出品。
This is it. This is what matters. The experience of a product. How it makes someone feel. When you start by imagining what it might be like, you step back. You think.
Who will this help? Will it make life better? Does this deserve to exist? If you are busy making everything, how can you perfect anything?
We don’t believe in coincidence or dumb luck. There are a thousand “no’s” for every “yes”. We spend a lot of time on a few great things. Until every idea we touch, enhances each life it touches.
We’re engineers and artists. Craftsmen and inventors. We sign our work. You may rarely look at it, but you’ll always feel it. This is our signature, and it means everything.
Designed by Apple in California
我们不相信巧合,或是纯运气。每一个 “是” 的背后,都有一千个 “不”。我们花费大量时间,在少量事物上。直到我们触及的每一个主意,都能让生活更美好。
值得一提的是,第二个广告并不只是一个 “电视广告”,苹果已经将它的纸质版刊载在了美国的数家报纸上。而这个与之前(专注于产品)完全不同(强调设计理念)的苹果广告,在近期也引起了不少讨论。
资深 IT 从业者 Darby Lines 认为这个广告强调了苹果的愿景和精神,是对华尔街分析师的有力回击。他说 “在我看来,这自乔布斯时代以来,就一直是苹果的目标。”
iMore 的 Rene Ritchie 说这是苹果的品牌广告,更多强调表达态度,而不是销售产品。
也有不少负面评价。在 Ace Metrix Inc. 的一次调查评估中,苹果的新广告只得到了 489 分,低于行业平均水准 542 分。有 “专家” 评价道,这个广告缺少那种让观看者兴奋的因素。
AdRANTs 更是发出尖锐评论,该网站认为苹果的广告重点从产品转向设计理念,是苹果在激烈竞争下逐渐失去市场份额后却没有新产品发布的无奈之举。文中还提到,苹果强调 California,与去年在中国关于工人工作环境的丑闻有关。
题图来自 jysim