快报:Nokia N900 在美国开始发售
感谢 论坛 wiiwaker 提供给我们好消息:
据 Nokia 官方的新闻稿,Nokia N900 11 月 18 日正式在美国开始零售。
WhitePlains, N.Y., USA — Nokia today announced that the highly anticipated Nokia N900 is now on sale in the United States and shipping to consumers who jumped on the opportunity to be among the first to pre-order the Maemo-powered mobile computer. With the Linux-based Maemo platform and with multiple ways to connect to the Internet, the Nokia N900 enables users to be online as it happens with a powerful computer in the palm of their hands.
预订客户的 Nokia N900 也将马上发运。但是据 Nokiaexpert,Amazon 的预订页面仍然没有更新。
Motorola Droid CDMA2000 的版本已经发售,但是 GSM 版的仍未发售,所以国内玩家只能按捺自己雀跃的心情。Nokia N900 来了,估计国内的水货渠道几天内就会上市,这个时候你还需要捂住你的钱包吗?