
[更新] 3 月 19 日,Mobile Monday 广州,绽放
说起爱范儿与 Mobile Monday 的结缘,要回到两年前了。我们陆续参加了北京,香港的活动,也和 Mobile Monday 北京的主办方法电中国研究中心有着密切的合作,深切地感受到了 Mobile Monday 这个源自芬兰的品牌所蕴含的力量。
Mobile Monday 被亲切地称为 MoMo ,LOGO 是两个小写的 m 。它的运作模式是由世界各地的志愿者组织,并联络当地移动行业和创新领域的从业者参与活动。活动时间一般选择某个星期一晚上,形式多种多样,有演讲,辩论赛,酒会,派对等等。
这个非营利组织已经发展到世界 70 多个国家和地区,并聚焦了超过 8 万名专家人士,是相当了不起的成绩。Mobile Monday 的创始人之一,Peter Vesterbacka,现在的身份是 Rovio 的 CMO ,著名的《愤怒的小鸟》就是这个公司最值得骄傲的产品。Mobile Monday 的现任首席执行官是 Jari Tammisto,而目前负责全球网络的是在日本的 Lars。
爱范儿(ifanr)于 2012 年 3 月成为 Mobile Monday 广州地区的授权组织者。我们希望在今后的活动中,让 Mobile Monday 活动成为连接广州科技、媒体、创投行业的核心纽带。
值得一说的是 MobileMonday 广州的 Logo ,这也是 Mobile Monday 很有趣的元素之一:每个城市都可以根据当地的文化特色来设计 Logo。比如说北京就选择了“中国红”和“汉字”,东京选择了一颗粉色鸡心。而我们则选择了代表广州传统的木棉花,突出“花城”特色。关于木棉花,北方的朋友可能不太熟悉:
至夜光景欲燃!选择木棉花做为 “ Mobile Monday 广州” 的“灿烂”、“多姿”的象征,我们的选择是对的吧!
第一次广州 MobileMonday 的活动在昨天晚上热闹登场了!在这,我们作个欢畅的回顾,让没有参加的朋友,也感受一下现场沟通的乐趣。
第一次 MobileMonday广州活动,当然是要选择星期一,而这一天广州的天气格外晴朗,一扫过去俩月阴霾的情绪,倍感清爽。
活动预定在周一晚上 7 点钟开始。实际上,有部分朋友在六点前已经赶到了,而我们的工作人员,下午就已经到达了现场,对现场进行了布置。大大的 MM 字样展板作为这次活动的背景,红色的木棉花分外闪亮。
这次 Mobile Monday 的参与者,大多都是属于移动互联网圈子的,还有从事媒体、广告、设计、开发的朋友。聚会中有一些老面孔,但是更多人素未谋面。
MobileMonday 从它的第一次登场就显示了这个国际性品牌的参与者的广泛性,我们在现场遇到了很多在广州从事互联网创业的国外友人,他们已经在广州扎根,真正投身于移动互联网的创业大潮了。FIT 输入法和云笔记的创始人吴晓丹,还有 21 世纪新媒体的李建兴也赶来参加了广州第一次的 MobileMonday 活动,他们都是广州移动互联网社区的中坚力量。
这次 Mobile Monday 的主题紧抓当前的热点,从 MWC 的新设备新趋势,到社交和 LBS 的产品需求,到掌上餐厅应用,到 Admob 对开发者的政策。不同话题的针对性,也让大家讨论的热情高涨——感兴趣的点子总是不嫌多,而 Billy 活泼的主持也让活动增色不少。
Manav 是飞客中国(FabriQate)的执行总裁,他前段时间刚从西班牙巴塞罗那回来。带来了不少 MWC 展会的见闻和消息。Manav 还为分享带来了几个不错的视频,很丰富的分享体验!
他最的感受是:“我要被 Android 的手机和平板给淹没了,太多设备了,太多品牌了。”这对于 扎根于 Android 平台的开发者来说,真的提升士气。
而在提到诺基亚 Windows Phone 时,Manav 的态度有些观望。虽然 Windows Phone 的设备体验不错,但从现场的表现来看,所支持的应用和开发者数量太少了。
第三位分享者 Sebastian 是位开朗的德国人,我们叫他 Seb 。他在几年前从德国到了广州,便迷恋上了这座城市,再也不想走了。
现在他自己在做 iOS 和 Android 端的应用开发,这次带来了典型案例,讲述如何设计一个餐厅的移动应用程序。
在整个项目中,Seb 把大量的时间都花费在了规划 UI 上,甚至为一个按钮是黑色还是白色都要犹豫半天。“这很难控制,跟编码的进度又不太一样。开发者最好在动手之前就想好一套基本 UI。”
最后一位上台分享的是 Google 广州开发者社区的负责人何英琪(Anson),他一直致力于在广州地区推进 Google 开发者的关系。这次带来了不少 AdMob 数据,鼓励开发者投身 AdMob 广告平台。
其中一个数据是:“到 2014 年,全球手持平台上产生的软价值是 250 亿美元,这包括了广告,付费应用,付费道具等等。”他的分享是现场提问最多的,人们对所开发项目的“盈利性” 总是更为关注。在后续的活动中,Anson 也许还会给大家带来他更多的在 Android 平台推广的经验,让我们期待吧。
整个活动结束时候,已经到了晚上 10 点,很多人仍然留下来做更“聚焦”的交流。对于一个普通的星期一来说,这既紧张又充实。
也许广州跟北京不太一样,这个低调务实的城市中的创业者、开发者和梦想家们,习惯于埋头创新。但是这次的聚会仍然让人惊讶,舞台并不缺少舞者,他们只是未露峥嵘。 Mobile Monday 广州的舞台已经开启,我们开始了。在后续,就让他们要成为真正的主角,呈现更大的力量吧!
接下来,广州地区的活动,将围绕移动应用开发与运营、移动设备、运营商及创投等各类创新主题来展开,爱范儿也将邀请更多本地移动和创新领域的核心力量加入广州 Mobile Monday,我们也真诚地邀请业内外的朋友过来分享经验,碰撞智慧,共同推动它的发展。我们期待着下一次聚会,我们将能聊些更有趣的话题,有着更热烈的相聚,如果您想投入到活动中来,请联系我们 ,请在这里查看我们的联系方式。
最后,感谢我们的共同主办方,我们共同的努力,点燃了一个很棒的 MobileMonday 广州之夜!
Mobile Monday was launched officially in Guangzhou on the evening of the 19th at Beta Café. The attendance rate exceeded our expectation, with more than 60 participants from various fields such as IT, media, advertising, and product design. One could tell that Mobile Monday is a much-celebrated international event as we had participants of other nationalities as well. The founder of FIT Input method and Cloud Notebook, Mr. XiaoDan Wu, , and the founder of 21st Century New Media, Mr. JianXing Li, two magnates of the mobile community were part of the crowd too.
Keynote addresses
Manav, the CEO of FabriQate, shared with us the sight and sound from the recently held MWC in Barcelona. Manav found the huge variety of apps and tools available for Android phones to be more than satisfying, and his comment was a boost of confidence to apps developers whom were present. On the contrary, he thought that the Windows Phone’s performance was mediocre due to the limited selection of apps and programs supported.
Mr. Mang Zeng is a young entrepreneur who is a also former employee from ShiJiJiaYuan世纪佳缘(Jiayuan.com), a dating and social networking site. Comparing local and foreign customers, Mr. Zeng commented on how different groups of customers have their very own specific needs. In order to ameliorate his company’s products, a thorough marketing research focusing on local consumers is a must. Mr. Zeng’s current project is catered to homosexuals’ social-networking needs on the mobile platform. In the process of promoting this particular networking site, Mr. Zeng’s team received unfair judgment and treatment. He hoped that our society in general could put away ignorance and stereotypes to address the different needs of our counterparts in a much objective manner. Mr. Zeng is very confident about the future success of this project. Facing intense competition from other social networking sites, such as WeiXin微信, Mr. Zeng believes that their site’s strength–detailed attention to consumer needs―would win consumers’ hearts.
Our third speaker is Sebastian, an outgoing German who fell in love with Guangzhou years ago, then settled down right here ever since. Sebastian is currently working on iOS and Android apps on his own. Tonight he selflessly shares his own experience in developing apps using a model example of designing mobile app for restaurants. For his project, Seb spent a good deal of time on perfecting the user interface because he thought that delivering a outstanding user experience was time-consuming, so it would be wise to have well prepared plan ahead.
Our fourth and also the last speaker was Mr. Anson Ho, Google’s person in charge of Guangzhou, who has been trying to foster a close-knit circle among Google developers. During his presentation, Mr. Ho shares with us some of AdMob’s data analysis while at the same time encourages apps developers to make full use of AdMob’s advertisement interface. One of the most interesting analysis predicts that by 2014, the net worth of the global mobile platform will amount to $250 billion, which includes advertisement, paid apps and In-app Purchase. Mr.Ho’s presentation sparked lots of attention and conversation, particularly on the issue of profitability in developing an interface. In our subsequent events, Mr. Ho will share more about his personal working experience with Android.
We were delighted to hear from attendees that overall the event was inspiring as well as interesting. As the leading organizer of Mobile Monday Guangzhou, ifanr promises to bring more exciting events about current mobile trends for the local IT and media community.