轻松周末 ifanrQ 。
今天早上看到了一篇有趣的文章 A life less posted ,讲述了一对新婚夫妇婚前的巴黎蜜月之旅(XD),其中有提到十年后旅行的看法:
I wonder what it would be like if my wife and I did our backpacking trip now, almost a decade later. I imagine that I’d spend most of my time either taking photos with my phone, or hunting for free wifi with my phone. Because if you don’t post photos of what you’re doing, it didn’t really happen, right?
我不知道十年后我与妻子的背包旅行会是什么样。我想我可能得花大部分时间用手机照相,四处寻找免费 wifi。因为如果你不上传照片,就无法证明自己来过,对么?(无图无真相?)